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Anne-Françoise Bélanger, painter

I am a professional painter, self-taught, trained in artistic experience structures supervised by professionals, graduated in psychoeducation and psychotherapy, and a professional member of the RAAV. I began my training in drawing and painting in 1989. I participated in the Atelier du Geste de Montréal art workshops from 2013 to 2020. I was enrolled in the painting program at the Academy of Arts of Montreal (ACADEM) from September 2017 to June 2019. I have been attending Carole Bernier's workshop in Montreal since the fall of 2019 and am a member of the Art xTerra Group.
The combination of my academic training and my approach as an artist allowed me the audacity necessary to explore abstract gestures and the humility to experience the ambiguity of a more intuitive approach. I consider my painting expressive and conceptual.​ My work is now represented by the Galerie d'art l'Harmattan in Baie-St-Paul, QC, G3Z 1M6 

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My works are also available at the
Galerie l'Harmattan

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1981 - 2023

Anne-Françoise Bélanger, Art abstrait Rive-Sud Montréal, QC

Artworks on paper

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